Some videos to go with tutorial

I made these a while ago, to go along with the tutorial at They were first drafts that didn’t feel up to snuff to be published, but I haven’t had time to remake them, and figured they might be useful for newcomers who prefer to watch instead of read.

The written tutorial text explains all these absolute beginner examples in more complete detail and covers all prerequisite knowledge needed, for users who’ve never seen Python or written a line of code before. Hopefully the videos have some value for new users who’d enjoy sitting back and watching demonstrations & explanations of how Anvil works at the most basic level.

Viewing at 1.75x is recommended:

Anvil 1 hello ide

2 more widgets pythonanvil

3 webcam viewer

4 coin flip

5 time between dates

6 math test

7 navigation part 1

8 navigation part 2

9 database chat app

10 CRUD 1

11 cash register1

12 cash register2

13 CRUD 2 server

14 (another CRUD 2 run-through)

15 birthdays 1

16 birthdays 2

17 (another CRUD 1 run through)