Smooth Visible Transition

Has anyone done a nice, smooth transition from visible and invisible, particularly for component panels?

Asking on the off chance someone has, so I don’t have to … :slight_smile:

A component becomes invisible by acquiring the visible-false CSS class. You could absolutely use CSS transitions to handle this. You’d need to be a bit clever - the CSS display property doesn’t accept transitions, so you’d want to override the display: none in the standard Anvil CSS, and then use some other way to hide your component (height: 0; overflow: hidden; is quite popular).

It can definitely be done, though!

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Hi David,

What do you think about how this looks?

Basically, it works as follows:

  • place a column panel inside a link container
  • set up a custom role for an “opacity” transition and add the corresponding CSS
    • /* Al hack transition out */
      .anvil-role-transition_out {
         opacity: 1;
         transition: opacity 1s ease-out;
         -moz-transition: opacity 1s ease-out;
         -webkit-transition: opacity 1s ease-out;
      .anvil-role-transition_out:focus {
            opacity: 0;
  • use time.sleep() to allow time for the transition, prior to setting visibility to False

Here’s the clone:

I’m not sure if this is what you were looking for but nevertheless I thought I’d have a crack at it.

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Cheers for that.

But I don’t get how it works. I can’t see those roles assigned anywhere?

I must’ve deleted the role for the sake of renaming it, and forgotten to add it back; however, the role must’ve been operating somehow despite not being there. How odd. I’ve added the role entry to the clone now.

A couple of roles were blank rather than “<default>”, which I think were the offending ones.

Did you change their name or something? Might be a subtle bug there I think …

During my testing I had renamed some roles, and then set/reset the components’ role designation in the designer. Odd that they would show blank instead of “<default>”. Perhaps if you set a component’s role, and then delete the role in the Role page, the component is set to blank instead of “<default>”.

The app does function as expected though correct?

Yes, that’s what was puzzling me. And when I inspected the elements in the browser they had the appropriate anvil-role-xxx class in them. I just couldn’t see how!

Okay cool. Yes, a subtle bug indeed.