Sidenav Dropdown


What would be the easiest way to build a sidenav with a dropdown menu (or one that behaves as such).
As a plus, easiest way to introduce a separator line?

What I mean (codepen not mine):

Thanks in advance,

Hello @mglraimundo

The default Material design has a built-in a collapsible sidebar. I believe you could simply add a DropDown component into the built-in sidebar and you would have something similar to the example you have shown.

I think you are asking how to add a thin horizontal line. This can be done by creating a custom HTML component and adding a horizontal rule to it (e.g., <hr>). Then, you can drag that component into your sidebar.

If I am misunderstanding something, please clarify and ideally show what you have tried so far if possible.

You can add a thin horizontal line by creating a canvas with height=1, full width, specified color.