Continuing the discussion from Showing approximate location on a map:
Using this post as a template, I would like to now populate the map with multiple items from a repeating panel. I have a Data Table “Locations” with 2 columns “House” and “Address”, that populates a repeating panel beside the map.
I made a simple server function that just returns all the rows from the Data Table, and I thought maybe I could just call that function and pull out the column “Address”, which I tried like so:
def multiple_fuzzy_location(self):
lats_lngs ='show_houses')['address']
print lats_lngs
But ended up with this error:
Exception: Indexing with [] is not supported on this anvil.tables.SearchIterator
Is this the right way to try to extract a single column?
My plan is to then run each address through the Geocode server function, and populate the map with a new marker in each iteration.