What I want
When I have multiple IDEs open on the same app, the app running on one of the IDEs and I click on the green Run
button on another IDE, I would like to have a 4 option question saying:
- Another IDE is running the app, do you want to:
- Stop the running instance and start a new one
- Keep it running and start a new instance
- Switch the focus to the running instance and to the running IDE
- Cancel
Why I want it
I ended up, while having multiple IDEs open on the same app, unintentionally running the app from two different IDEs, having two separate tabs running the app, in slightly different versions, and having two consoles reporting seemingly inconsistent info.
I was testing the running app in one of the running app tabs and checking the console on the other IDE, and it was a mess.
Seemingly inconsistent until the moment you realize that you inadvertently ran the app twice.
In other words, you may want to run the app twice, but it’s very unlikely. It is more likely that you wanted to just restart the app after doing some editing, and lost track of which IDE was the one that started the app.