Show warning about conflicting form names

Please add warning messages when a user generated class or variable name conflicts with an Anvil generated one.

I think I have seen such a warning when I named something name. If I remember the message ended with ... and this is probably not what you want. I read the warning message, I changed the name of name and kept working without wasting any time.

Then I used the suffix Template for a few forms and I wasted too much time before realizing that there was a naming conflict.

Anvil forms are classes derived from classes with the same name with the Template suffix:

class Form1(Form1Template):

Adding a RepeatingPanel to a form creates a new ItemTemplate1 form:

class ItemTemplate1(ItemTemplate1Template):

My app happens to manage templates of something, so it came natural to me to create a form called SomethingTemplate

class SomethingTemplate(SomethingTemplateTemplate):

After a short while things stopped working. After a long while I realized that there were naming conflicts. For example I had the following two forms:

class SelectImage(SelectImageTemplate):

class SelectImageTemplate(SelectImageTemplateTemplate):

Another case of conflicting names where having a warning would help: when two server modules have @anvil.server.callable functions with the same name.


Thanks for mentioning these, they would definitely be improvements to usability and we’ve put them into our prioritisation process.