Show my dataframe in my dashboard

What I’m trying to do:
Anvil seems to be a very useful tool, so I need to know how to show my dataframe in my dashboard form please.

Thank you


What have you tried? Have you gone through the introductory tutorials? Have you searched the forum? :blush:

Anvil is the best. You can do anything with it.

Welcome to the Forum!

In addition to the resources @campopianoa mentioned, Anvil also provides excellent documentation. All of these resources are free, no waiting, so I encourage you to take full advantage of them.

Hello. Sure, I have searched tutorials, forums, documentation, etc., but there is no information about how to show my dataframe in my dashboard.
I need to show my dataframe in this way: Pandas DataFrame Style | DataFrame Styling Using Pandas.
I made this in Jupyter and with VSCode, but how can I do this in Anvil?
Anvil is the best but, how can I do this in Anvil?
Thank you for your guidance.

Your question is way too generic.

It’s like going to a Ford or GM forum and asking “I started building a car, how do I finish it?”. Valid answers would be “put the wheels”, or “paint it”, or “put the seats”.

Valid answers for your question are “use Anvil” or "call a server function “or use plotly”. They all are consistent with the question, and they all are completely useless.

If you want a useful answer, you need to ask a better question.

Like @stefano.menci said, it’s kind of difficult to understand the specifics of your question, so I’m not really sure if this is what you meant, but I remember someone using RichText recently with a Pandas Dataframe, here is a link to the post:

It even has some stripped down clone links in it, if they are still available.

Thank you very much!