Setting up error reporting with emails?

Good day,
Is it possible have the app send an email whenever an error occurs? I couldn’t find something about it in the documentation.

Thank you

No, there is no automatic way.

You can send yourself emails when there are errors, but you need to write the code. Here is an example.

A better way, closer to what you are asking for, would be a dashboard that keeps track of all your apps and sends you notifications when it makes sense. There are feature requests for that: one, two and three.

Look in the docs in the Custom Error Handling section: Anvil Docs | Error Reporting

That allows you set set code that runs whenever an exception happens. Combine that with the code Stefano linked to, and your app will email you whenever it crashes. I use this technique to know about crashes long before any user tells me about them.


Hi @jshaffstal,

How exactly did you go about combining the custom error handling with Stefano’s code?

Apparently traceback is not implemented in Skulpt

Or do you only email youself the error without the full traceback for exceptions on the client-side?

Yeah, until it is, there’s an odd workaround that gets you a little more information than the default. That workaround is described in this post: Skulpt limitations on SyntaxError? - #4 by divyeshlakhotia

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