SerializationError when passing Pydantic model to a background task

What I’m trying to do:

I have some Pydantic objects, that I’d like to pass to a background task. Those objects define their serialisation (to dicts or JSON), and serialise to pickle as well just fine. But anvil’s custom serialisation code doesn’t seem to be able to handl;e them

What I’ve tried and what’s not working:

Just passing the object (or rather a list of these objects) to the background task fails with:

anvil.server.SerializationError: Cannot serialize arguments to function. Cannot serialize <class 'Pydantic_Test.ServerModule1.CustomVariable'> object at msg['kwargs']['input']
at /home/anvil/downlink/anvil/
called from /home/anvil/downlink/anvil/
called from /home/anvil/downlink/anvil/
called from /home/anvil/downlink/anvil/
called from ServerModule1, line 104
called from Form1, line 15

I’ve tried to then manually serialise to JSON or a Python dict, then on the background task’s side deserialise it, and that works, but it doesn’t feel like those hoops should be needed (ie. leaking some implementation details on how the background tasks are set up / started)

Code Sample:

The server code is below that does all 3 paths for the code, and shows the kind of Pydantic model that is generated (fyi, it’s done by the openapi-generator as an OpenAPI client library)

Server Code
from __future__ import annotations

import anvil.server

import json
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Union, Set
from enum import Enum
from typing_extensions import Annotated, Self

class VariableType(str, Enum):
    allowed enum values
    MEAN = 'mean'
    VARIANCE = 'variance'
    STANDARD_ERROR_OF_MEAN = 'standard_error_of_mean'
    QUANTILE = 'quantile'

    def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Self:
        """Create an instance of VariableType from a JSON string"""
        return cls(json.loads(json_str))

class CustomVariable(BaseModel):
    type: VariableType = Field(description="Custom Variable type")
    quantile: Optional[Union[Annotated[float, Field(le=1.0, strict=True, ge=0.0)], Annotated[int, Field(le=1, strict=True, ge=0)]]] = None
    __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["type", "quantile"]

    model_config = ConfigDict(

    def to_str(self) -> str:
        """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
        return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))

    def to_json(self) -> str:
        """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
        # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
        return json.dumps(self.to_dict())

    def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
        """Create an instance of CustomVariable from a JSON string"""
        return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.

        This has the following differences from calling pydantic's

        * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
          were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
          are ignored.
        excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([

        _dict = self.model_dump(
        # set to None if quantile (nullable) is None
        # and model_fields_set contains the field
        if self.quantile is None and "quantile" in self.model_fields_set:
            _dict['quantile'] = None

        return _dict

    def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
        """Create an instance of CustomVariable from a dict"""
        if obj is None:
            return None

        if not isinstance(obj, dict):
            return cls.model_validate(obj)

        _obj = cls.model_validate({
            "type": obj.get("type"),
            "quantile": obj.get("quantile")
        return _obj

def trigger():
    input = CustomVariable(type=VariableType.QUANTILE, quantile=0.5)
    # Have to work around to serialise into JSON and then deserialise on the other end
    input_json = input.to_json()
    anvil.server.launch_background_task('background', input_json=input_json)

    # Or serialise to a dict
    input_dict = input.to_dict()
    anvil.server.launch_background_task('background', input_dict=input_dict)

    # Expected this to work
    anvil.server.launch_background_task('background', input=input)

def background(
    input: CustomVariable | None = None,
    input_json: str | None = None,
    input_dict: dict[str, Any] | None = None):
    if input_json is not None:
        input = CustomVariable.from_json(input_json)
        print(f"From JSON: {input}")
    elif input_dict is not None:
        input = CustomVariable.from_dict(input_dict)
        print(f"From dict: {input}")
        print(f"From bare: {input}")

Clone link:

Here’s the section of the docs that describes what you can pass between server and client:


Thanks, that’s useful. On the other hand, I’m not passing between server and client, but between server and background task (ie. it’s not going to a @anvil.server.callable but to a @anvil.server.background_task). Does that change anything? (at least the doc doesn’t mention this distinction)

It doesn’t change anything. You can pass only what’s described in that doc.