Search APP by string in code

this may sound a silly question…
in my APP directory, is there a way to search for APPS that contain a specific text in code?

I need to find all the APPS that are using a particular GUID API KEY and I’d like to avoid to open->ctrl+shift+f them all.



I tried this: image , but it searches only the app titles.

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Hi @p.colbert exactly, I already knew that searchbox but that doesn’t help me in this case.

Not that I have ever done this but surely you could do this by downloading all the source code from each app and searching the combined files?

Or you could do something super cool like this - if you hav eg a way of searching for the string/method?

Hi @rickhurlbatt
yeah, downloading all the APPs source code is an option indeed, but if I have to manually open each and every APP in order to download it, then it might be quicker to fire a shift+ctrl+f and ctrl+v the search string.

What I was thinking about was a search operator in the APPs search box, like google’s, e.g.
source:"my super cool string"
and this fires search in the source code.


I would create a script that clones (or pulls if already cloned) all your apps, then do a text search across all the directories.
The script maintenance is just adding one line per app.

Or you could use the links shown here to search directly in the server without cloning, but it would require the creation of an app more complex than that simple script and would need to hit the server every time you do a search.

Or an hybrid, using the link to get the list of apps to clone and create the cloning script for you.

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