Run Anvil In Local Server

Hi there, i’m trying to run my website in local server. I have done all the steps to use the anvil-app-server. But, when i try to call the website, i don’t see the webpage, only a blank page with the sentence “Server is Up and Running”. What should i do to make my webpage shown

I did run Postgres, a little, long ago, and I recognize port 8080 as being commonly used to access database status and administration. So I’m not surprised to see database status displayed.

But Anvil is much more than a database! As such, it probably uses a different port number, just to prevent confusion and conflicts.

Beyond that, if that’s not the problem, then what you’ve shown doesn’t tell us anything about the problem. We can’t see what’s going on at your system from here. You’ll have to show us what’s there. Then maybe someone with Anvil Server experience can spot a problem.

I’m pretty sure if its running correctly it should just be hosted on 80 (so don’t specify a port in a web browser), if you navigate to either or or find your local network ip and navigate there. (from your picture I’m guessing ?)

Did you read the instructions from @nickantonaccio ?