Remove Anvil Branding on 'Signup/Login with Google'

What I’m trying to do:
I want people to login to my app without seeing Anvil branding on the ‘signup/login with google’ option. I’m on the professional plan.

What I’ve tried and what’s not working:
I read through the docs and there doesn’t seem to be an option to control this.


Hi @yahiakalabs,

If you want to see your own branding on the Google login page, you’ll need to authenticate with your own Google project, which lets you control such things in the Google Developer Console. These instructions will show you how to do it!


Some things may have changed on Google’s end, but here’s a thread discussing some of the finer points, as they were at that time: How to remove the anvil logo from Google login form - #6 by augustas.volbekas

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That’s what I needed, thanks!