Random Little App: Stata to CSV converter

The local statistics office releases lots of files in Stata format. Journalists and others often don’t know how to open these files in Excel (i.e. you can’t without a paid plugin) or don’t want to pay the ridiculous Stata software prices for basically a spreadsheet. Somehow I wasn’t able to find this tool online somewhere.

Luckily Python has a rich ecosystem of free and open-source code that can convert Stata files to whatever you want.

This little app only took about 20 minutes to make, but it works very well!


I cant convert the DTA to excel due to error message

Could you share what the error is? I just checked a random DTA file on my computer and it worked. It may be that the DTA file is large enough that it is causing a memory or timeout issue. If it takes longer than 30 seconds the server function will time out.

The app is currently not functional. Could you please activate it?

Sorry about that. It should be working now.