Qualitative Report Writer

OK, I think I’m ready to unveil the Anvil app I’ve been tinkering with over the summer… Introducing QualBot!

As a qualitative researcher, I often find myself dreading the task of synthesizing 10 to 20 interview transcripts, each with 10k+ words. My attempts to use LLMs for this have been less than rosy—hallucinations, missed themes, incomplete summaries… you name it!

QualBot aims to streamline the process with AI by automating the generation of detailed research reports from raw transcripts using thematic analysis. Key features include:

  • User Authentication and Onboarding: Google, Facebook, or email login with automatic free plan enrollment.
  • Document and Report Management: Upload multiple transcript formats, validate files, and generate reports, summaries, and visualizations.
  • Customizable Report Outlines: Define custom sections (e.g., introduction, research objectives, conclusions) with a JSON-based outline structure.
  • Cost Estimation and Token Management: Estimate costs before generating reports, manage token limits, and upgrade plans if necessary.
  • AI-Powered Report Generation: Use GPT-4 (or GPT-4-mini) for thematic analysis, language selection, quotes, anonymization, and DALL-E for participant avatars.
  • Progress Tracking and Feedback: Real-time progress bar, status updates, and a built-in feedback form for user feedback.
  • Background Task Management: Run AI-powered processes in the background to keep the app responsive during report generation.
  • Output and Download Options: Download reports, codebooks, summaries, and graphs directly or access via email and the “Previous Reports” section.
  • Stripe API: Manage international payments and subscriptions with Stripe API and webhooks.

Here’s the landing page where you can sign up for a free trial: https://qualbot.io

A huge thanks to @meredydd, @jshaffstall, @p.colbert, @ianb and the whole Anvil community for the great content and support.

You are the first to see this besides some early beta testers, so my apologies if anything is still rough around the edges.

Would love your feedback!


Did you use anvil for your landing page as well?

I didn’t, just plain html, js, css.

Awesome! Remember your discussing this at the user group.

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Still tinkering with it, now working on a co-pilot mode!

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