Has anyone setup a QR code type system in their anvil app yet? Was curious if anyone had any recommendations, I want to add QR code functionality to my app to be able to use QR codes on the snake enclosures to tie that to the records in my db, etc.
No need to go subscribing to external services - the qrcode and pyBarcode modules are available in Anvil
(I’ve also seen @daviesian demonstrating an app that can read barcodes - I think he was using a FileLoader on a phone to take a picture, then OpenCV on the server, but I don’t know which library he used. I’ll ask him when he’s back from his holiday.)
Awesome yea that’s the next thing I plan to add. I just about have all my routes done in my version 1 of my app now. Just adding in validation and going to get my beta testers to start testing it out. I was even able to use the anvil system to build out my own Admin panel which is sweet.
End result will be using QR codes on the snake tubs/enclosures that would point back to records in the app so they can get to quick options like updating a feed record for that snake, etc.
I tried using the barcode module in a server module, in a project I am working on and I got a module not found error. I am using an individual plan account. I am trying to write a program that reads and scans barcodes and also allows printing of barcodes.
I would be really grateful if you can help me resolve this and maybe help me through the project. Thanks.