Possibility to upload new user accounts to user table

From the users section it is possible to download all user records to a csv. Would it also be possible to upload user records from a csv and assigning initial passwords to these new users?

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Yes, I’ve done exactly that several times

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Yes, you can do this yourself quite easily.

You could mash together some parts of this old example app, and this function:

import bcrypt

def change_user_pass(user_table_row, new_password):
  user_pw_hash = bcrypt.hashpw(new_password.encode(), bcrypt.gensalt())
  user_table_row['password_hash'] = user_pw_hash.decode('utf-8')

The example app is way more code than you need, you could probably just get away with a page with an upload button that takes your csv and then sends it to the server module to process.


Hi Owen and Ian,
Thanks very much for this solution.
Warm regards,