Please restore the old App Sessions

Hi all,

I promise, we’re listening! What you’re seen is the first stage of a substantial improvement in App Logs, including many of the bullets in @stefano.menci’s feature request.

Unfortunately, we needed to start with a complete replacement of the logging backend, as the old architecture was failing to scale and had become really very slow for some people with lots of sessions and events. This made adding new functionality a non-starter until we’d done the upgrade – and we still need to wait for the old records to drain from the system. Even more unfortunately, things like “how many events are in this session?” and “how many more pages are there?” relied on some of the things that were making it slow - although we do have some ideas for bringing some of this back in more computationally tractable ways, we really did need to ship this update.

TL;DR - Watch this space! App Logs are getting some love :slight_smile:

PS: @mark.breuss, could you post the Background Tasks issue separately please so that we can investigate?