Would you please install pysimplegui so it is available client side.
Welcome to Anvil’s Community Forum.
Just so you know, Anvil already has a client-side GUI, that integrates with many other helpful Anvil features.
PySimpleGui does not integrate with any of those, so if you used it, you’d be at a sizeable disadvantage.
If anything along this… It would be awesome if there was an option to turn any Anvil app into a web-enabled desktop app – similar to what Electron does for the JS guys and gals (and perhaps even using Electron behind the scenes to achieve this). Following the Anvil spirit, such a feature would ideally “simply” involve a “generate desktop app” option and then throw you an executable for Windows and Mac.
In a recent Michael Kennedy podcast (TalkPython), Anvil was (deservedly and again) praised. At the same time, the need for a “Visual Studio 6”-style framework for creating desktop apps was stressed as a major hole in the Python ecosystem (Qt does serve this need to some degree). Next stop… mobile apps .
What was driving my request was a desire to be able to create a programmable Tree GUI which visually looks similar to a folder/file browser - for an example please see the screen shot I have uploaded from the RealPython website.
I am new to Anvil. I looked at the Anvil components and searched the Community Forum but couldn’t see anything that suited the bill. Any suggestions welcome!
@steve.page This isn’t how Anvil works. On the client side, there is a Python implementation written in javascript called skulpt. It covers most (but not all) of the standard library so you can write Python code and it will run in the browser.
However, there is no mechanism for you or anyone else to install third party Python libraries and use them. That’s only possible on the server side.
You’re correct that there is currently no tree-like component in the anvil toolbox. If you want one, your best bet is probably to investigate the plethora of javascript libraries available and incorporate one of those into your app.
Thanks for your prompt response Owen. I will take your advice and do some research on the javascript options.
There is a way for mobile apps and it works quite easily as well. The site I’m working on right now will release first on Play Store. There are lots of website to APK converter service you can use. I’ll recommend Website2apkconverter. No coding will be required and the work will be done in less than a minute.
Will do - assuming I manage to get it working (and that might be a BIG assumption!)