Opensource Anvil - https for IP address

What I’m trying to do:
I try to make https://[my_ip_address] so that my app works with Cloudflare.

What I’ve tried and what’s not working:
anvil-app-server --app api --origin https://[my_domain] → error: since Cloudflare manages the certificate for the domain already

 acme: error: 403 :: urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized :: Cannot negotiate ALPN protocol "acme-tls/1" for tls-alpn-01 challenge, url:   providerName=letsEncrypt.acme
ERRO[2021-10-16T09:29:44Z] Unable to obtain ACME certificate for domains 

anvil-app-server --app api --origin https://[my_ip]

Let’s Encrypt cannot create the certificate for IP address

Any help is greatly appreciated.

First, do you have a paid plan? If you’re using the free plan, you cannot make a custom domain. If you’re using a paid plan, then you first need to register your custom domain. You can do this by following the instructions on this link. Once that is sorted out, Anvil works will send you an email that your custom domain is ready. After that, its usually no problem to have https://[my_ip_address].

Thanks, I am asking about this: GitHub - anvil-works/anvil-runtime: The runtime engine for hosting Anvil web apps
not the hosted / cloud version