I directed NotebookLM to all the anvil.works documentation (for asking questions) and it gave me back this cool podcast style audio as well.
I directed NotebookLM to all the anvil.works documentation (for asking questions) and it gave me back this cool podcast style audio as well.
I’ve been impressed by the NotebookLM podcasts, they usually do a great job.
Wow! The podcast style works really well.
Very good and unique podcast!
First time I’ve heard one of those. That’s actually not half bad, though I’ve only skipped through it (not a big podcast fan myself).
They seem to have the conversational TTS pretty well sorted. Probably the best I’ve heard. I bet that’s not open source!
I have listened to the podcast. It is well done, but, just like Talk Python To Me and any other podcast, when they talk about Anvil, they treat it as a tool for beginners or hobbyists, good just to build simple toys.
Years ago I heard Meredydd in Talk Python To Me talking about Anvil and I realized how powerful Anvil can be, so I tried it. Fast forward a few years, and my company runs on Anvil.
If Meredydd then had described the database as a spreadsheet or had used the language they used in this podcast, I wouldn’t be using Anvil today.
During these years I heard and read all kind of mentions to Anvil, but they don’t give it the respect a professional tool deserves. They all use a language for beginners.
So, yes, I agree that the podcast sounds great, but I don’t like how they treated Anvil.
Same thing happened with me and listening to Meredydd talk on the Real Python podcast and the way he talked about Anvil was true to life!
Agreed. My comment was really about the quality of the conversation itself, not the content.
Maybe someone should do one of those pointed at a transcription of Meredydd’s podcast It could create a new take on the same content for a different audience, maybe shorter and focused on one feature at a time.
So on the non-mobile UI you can actually direct the podcast. I gotta say it’s pretty awesome at responding to it too, sounds very natural. I made a new version but I think it deleted the older version.