Nature of hosted anvil app after account downgrade

Hello guys,

Say I built and hosted an anvil app with an individual plan account. My app is now live and running. What would happen to my app if I downgraded my account to the free plan?

Thanks in advance.

You would lose access to any plan specific features, so some things might stop working.

Off the top of my head :

  • server side python would drop back to the restricted version 2
  • some external python modules might not load as a result
  • various resource thresholds would lower (compute units, server side timeouts)
  • I think you lose background tasks and scheduled tasks (not sure on that one tbh)

Stuff like that.

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@david.wylie has it right – your would revert to the free plan, so you’d lose Individual-plan features such as advanced runtimes/libraries, hosting your app on a custom domain, etc.

(My only correction is that Free users can indeed use background tasks – they just have lower compute limits, and a 30s maximum runtime)


Thanks @david.wylie and @meredydd for your responses.

Did I understand right that Free users could host apps even though the URL is not custom and has limitations on the hosting side?

Also by hosted, does it also mean you can expose your APIs for consumption and end-users can curl or use another method to call the API (maybe use an API Token) – are all of these possible?

Can you pls point me to any such example in the docs or in the examples gallery if there is one?


Yes, that is correct!

If you want examples of an API, why not start with this tutorial, which you can find from the Tutorials page:

Building HTTP APIs in Python with Anvil

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Thank you sir, I will start from A… and pick up the your suggestions till as far as I can.\

It’s possible that your docs already explain but can I inquire about how robust and secure such a API hosting be under?

  • free plan
  • paid plan

In terms of being able to scale and also security aspects (is there a package?)? Do we have to follow the same security due-diligence that we would otherwise follow for similar API hosted apps outside the Anvil world?

To read more about Anvil’s security architecture, check out the Building Secure Apps section of the Anvil documentation! This applies to both free and paid plans.