Moving components from a project to another

I have a Core Project where I usually create any component that will be commonly used by other applications.

Right now I want to move a component that was specific of one app to the global dependency to be able to use in other apps.

I cloned both the Specific and Core projects, moved the folders for the forms, replaced the references in the yaml files (to target the component moved to the Core project) and even moved things in the .anvil_editor.yaml file.

However, in the editor the components still appear in the Specific project and not in the Core. Am I missing something?

What do you mean by this? what part appears like this?

In the web editor, after commit and push.

right but which part do you mean? can you share a screenshot?

Nevermind… I was just mistaken. I forgot to add the new files on the commit. :smiling_face_with_tear:

I’m testing again from start and it’s working. Thanks anyway!

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