Move apps up in the selection list after a git push from another source

When I push changes from my local machine to my cloud IDE and then log in to the cloud IDE, that app that just got changes isn’t at the top of the list. This means that sometimes I have to go searching through the app list to find the app I just updated locally with changes just pushed.

I would suggest that apps receiving a git push from other sources move up to the top of the Cloud IDE’s app list.

The list is sorted by date-and-time. However, the dates and times are not updated until you explicitly refresh the page (e.g., F5)

Yeah, but that’s not relevant here, because I only even open the IDE after I have pushed from my local machine and it doesn’t respond to the new date/time.

You’re right. I’ll have to try that.

Edit: I just (2024-12-20T05:00:00Z) pushed, then refreshed the top-level IDE (the page showing my list of Apps). The Duration since last update remained at 21 hours. Closing the IDE tab entirely, and reopening it, also didn’t update the Duration. Duration seems to recognize only IDE-made changes, and even then, only if I refresh the listing page.

I’m using a week-old edition of Chrome on Windows 10.

I’m used to it, but I can see how some may find it annoying.

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Yeah, I mostly find it annoying when its apps I haven’t changed in a while. I totally recognize the number of people/percent of time it affects those people is small/rare, but hey, better put it up here than suffer in silence. I’ve been shocked before when features are just nice to haves but also easy to implement so they get done quickly.