Monorepository vs Microservices for large 1000+ Files Anvil App

Hi @mark.breuss, it’s great that you could have 100s paying customer. At one point, my app has about 200 and it was working fine as well.

When one file has about 2K line of codes, the editor becomes unusable in my case, so I just put code into several files, and the issue is fixed.

As for the loading time, there are many techniques in the forum to speeding it up, but admittedly it varies from case to case. Upgrading your current plan to the next one also somehow solves the performance issue as well, but a bit expensive.

I would stick with the monorepo since it is what Anvil is designed for, once you go to the microservice, there are a lot of unexpected issues. I tried, and failed, so good luck then.

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