Minimum and maximum color contrast settings

Our dear friends at should not have to make tedious manual efforts and compromises to make different color schemes readable to IDE users. Each display device and user is different.

Depending on your display and your eyes, you may need a low-contrast (“solarized”) theme. Others will need a high-contrast theme.

Lighting conditions can change during the day. There is no one size fits all, everywhere, all the time.

I propose explicit, named, user-settable contrast settings. Users can save and recall settings as appropriate for the current user and current operating conditions (display, lighting, …). Individual colors are adjusted automatically to improve visibility, based on the user’s specified criteria, no manual invention by personnel required.

Contrast between any two physically adjacent colors (e.g., text foreground and background) can be estimated fairly accurately via code. The Python standard library has appropriate color conversion routines, used to simulate old B&W broadcast standards, that can be used for this purpose.

See also:
Topic #1 in [New Designer] feature requests