Messaging between an application users

Could “Messaging” in anvil-extras
(Messaging — Anvil Extras documentation)
be used between users of an anvil application. Meaning if a user publish a message in a certain channel, could other user which subscribed to the same channel handle this message.
thank you very much

If you read through the documentation you linked, you’ll see that Anvil Extras messaging is only used to send events within a single user’s app. Any cross-user messaging you have to build yourself. If you search on the forum, you’ll see different approaches people have taken to the problem (e.g. timers on forms, third-party message queues, real-time databases, etc).

Within a single browser tab only, I believe.

You can find a sample chat app here:


A post was split to a new topic: Add a chat service (that uses web sockets)