Merge objects from one app to another

Hi, I am testing some of the sample projects that you guys provide.

Amongst them are the editable data grid example project and the iframe example.

Now, I would love to merge elements of the data grid project into the iframe project or vise versa.

Question: Is it possible to export a form (and it’s layout definition) and then import it into another project? Also, is it possible to access the UI definition of a form? From what I can see right now, it is possible to access it’s frontend code only.


Of course. Please take a look at the docs:

Anvil Docs | Depending On Other Apps

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Not exactly what you are after - @divyeshlakhotia has you covered there, but you can also copy and paste components from one app to another. If they are contained in a container, the layout will be retained. Super easy way to take some elements as designed in one app to another. Obviously code also copies and pastes too.

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