I have written a python program to operate a few linear actuators via a pico w. I developed an anvil app to operate the python program and it works great. The issue I am having is that the anvil uplink disconnects on any command longer than 28s. I need to leave my relays open longer than that. I am not a programmer, I am not sure I would even qualify as a novice, however, I know solving this is outside of knowledge. The python code is below.
Again, it works but I need someone to write the code so that it does not disconnect after 28s. I am willing to pay for this service. Let me know what it is worth to you.
Please message me or reply if you are interested
import anvil.pico
import time
import network
import uasyncio as a
from machine import Pin
# This is an example Anvil Uplink script for the Pico W.
# See https://anvil.works/pico for more information
UPLINK_KEY = " (uplink code) "
# We use the LED to indicate server calls and responses.
led = Pin("LED", Pin.OUT, value=1)
pin_OPEN = Pin(21, Pin.OUT, value=0)
pin_CLOSED = Pin(20, Pin.OUT, value=0)
pin_stop = Pin(19, Pin.OUT, value=0)
# Call this function from your Anvil app:
# anvil.server.call('pico_fn', 42)
def pico_fn(n):
# Output will go to the Pico W serial port
print(f"Called local function with argument: {n}")
# Blink the LED and then double the argument and return it.
for i in range(10):
await a.sleep_ms(50)
return n * 2
def OpenDoor_fn(n):
print(f"Called local function with argument: {n}")
for i in range(30):
def Stop_fn(n):
print(f"Called local function with argument: {n}")
for i in range(180):
def CloseDoor_fn(n):
print(f"Called local function with argument: {n}")
for i in range(30):
# Connect the Anvil Uplink. In MicroPython, this call will block forever.
# There's lots more you can do with Anvil on your Pico W.
# See https://anvil.works/pico for more information
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