Isolate SMTP Settings from Source code repo, or tie them to APP ID

Building on this:

The current behaviour makes it messy for me to collaborate on an open source project where each collaborator has different SMTP settings. So my workaround has been to use the open source app as a dependency app, and have a second app to configure deployment stuff like SMTP settings and users service settings (that’s another story).

I really think the SMTP settings fall under ‘deployment settings’ like the deployment URLs and such, and are out of place in the code repository itself.

I suppose you could tweak it like you tweaked the anvil secrets (to save SMTP settings tied to app IDs) and if that’s more achievable for the Anvil team, I’ll take it!

Could you use environment variables to achieve this?

Locally, yes, but not when working in the anvil editor.


I just read how the secrets service works and it looks like that wouldn’t work for you either