Is anvil having server issues? Lots of errors atm

What I’m trying to do:
I’m getting a bunch of weird errors suddenly:
Internal server error: Server runtime failed to start.
Server code took too long
The downlink server disconnected

And my ongoing background task has failed and restarted (through my automatic restarting code) numerous times.

Is something up with the anvil servers?

My app has been running stably for many weeks and these are cropping up today for the first time.

A background task that generates PDF files using fpdf2 (not the Anvil PDF generator), has been running without problems for ages, but today it keeps timing out.

The PDF generation runs on the server (I have a dedicated server), does not involve any access to remote resources (with the exception of the update of a data table row containing the status of the background task), and yet (I have the feeling that) the execution today is very slow.

Here are two errors that I had never seen on that background task (maybe they have happened before, but I never got a call or otherwise noticed them, and today I did):



Hi folks,

Sorry about this. Is it still happening? All looks well at this end, so I suspect this was a transient issue, but please shout if you’re still seeing problems!