InternalError: Internal server error (Unable to update media from gallery)

Hello anvil community!

What I’m trying to do:
I am trying to allow users to personalize an avatar using either of two routes:

  • Upload an image
  • Select image from an existing table

What I’ve tried and what’s not working:
I built a minimal example to demonstrate the problem.
[Anvil | Login]

My approach is to have an avatar column (type media) in the People table. Updating the avatar is via the AvatarEdit form, implemented as an Alert from Form1. AvatarEdit offers both a gallery of images from the Avatars table, and an upload option. Both appear to work in the client, successfully changing self.item[‘avatar’] to an image that displays upon executing self.refreshdatabindings().
Here’s the code in Form1:

class Form1(Form1Template):

  def __init__(self, **properties):
    # Set Form properties and Data Bindings.

    # Any code you write here will run when the form opens.
    self.repeating_panel_1.items =

The code for Form1’s repeating panel item template:

from ...AvatarEdit import AvatarEdit

class ItemTemplate1(ItemTemplate1Template):
  def __init__(self, **properties):
    # Set Form properties and Data Bindings.

    # Any code you write here will run when the form opens.

  def link_1_click(self, **event_args):
    """This method is called when the link is clicked"""
    person_copy = dict(self.item)
    save_clicked = alert(content=AvatarEdit(item=person_copy),
                         buttons=[("Save", True), ("Cancel", False)],
    if save_clicked:'update_person', person=self.item, updates_dict=person_copy)

The code for the AvatarEdit form:

class AvatarEdit(AvatarEditTemplate):
  def __init__(self, **properties):
    # Set Form properties and Data Bindings.

    # Any code you write here will run when the form opens.
    self.repeating_panel_1.set_event_handler('x-avatar-selected', self.update_avatar)
    self.repeating_panel_1.items =
  def update_avatar(self, new_avatar, **event_args):
    print("[AvatarEdit]There has been an update!")
    self.item['avatar'] = new_avatar
  def file_loader_1_change(self, file, **event_args):
    """This method is called when a new file is loaded into this FileLoader"""

Finally, the code for the AvatarEdit’s repeating panel items, which are links (one item per image):

class ItemTemplate2(ItemTemplate2Template):
  def __init__(self, **properties):
    # Set Form properties and Data Bindings.

    # Any code you write here will run when the form opens.

  def link_1_click(self, **event_args):
    """This method is called when the link is clicked"""
    print("[ItemTemplate2] Raising event")
    self.parent.raise_event('x-avatar-selected', new_avatar=self.item['avatar'])

Upon hitting Save on the Alert, Form1 calls the server function to update the People table. Here’s the no-frills server code:

def update_person(person, updates_dict):

The confusing thing is that the server update works for an uploaded image, but fails for a gallery image. The failure message is anvil.server.InternalError: Internal server error: c4e00be02635 although the error code varies between runs.

Can anyone suggest how I should rework my code to make the ‘gallery’ option work?

Thanks in advance!

Welcome to the Anvil Forum!

This indicates a deeper problem. To help get the attention of Anvil’s official help, I’d like to suggest that you edit this topic title, to put the error message front and center, where it will be more widely visible.

Done. Thanks for the suggestion!

Hi @jamiedeith,

Thanks very much for letting us know about this - it does look like a bug at our end, and we’re investigating. I’ll post on this thread as soon as we have an update for you.

[Moved to bug reports]