I'm new to all this so I really need help

so i have my own front-end website i want to continue building it using anvil but i don’t know how to import my own html, css and javascript if i even can do that
I really need the help here please

Welcome to the forum!

You haven’t really given enough detail for us to go on, or asked a question. You’ll need to give more details on what your “front-end website” is, and what it means to “continue building it using anvil”.

Then work out what you need help with so you can ask a question.

If the question is about how to work with Anvil, the answer’s going to be to go through the tutorials to start going through the Anvil learning curve before you start trying to integrate anything with your existing website.

The more specific you can make your question, and the more context you can give, the more likely you are to get an answer that’ll help.


I mean i built a website using html css and javascript but i want to import it to anvil an finish the backend

These are some excellent guidelines that can help us to help. Welcome! Anvil is amazing.


You can do that, but without a specific question, you won’t get very much helpful advice. You don’t say how far along the Anvil learning curve you are, so I’d suggest you get comfortable with Anvil by going through the tutorials.

There are also tutorials on incorporating custom HTML and CSS into an Anvil app.

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If your front end is complete and you just need to add some backend features, one option is to build a REST API with Anvil, and call those API functions from JavaScript (AJAX) in your front end.

Another option is to use your existing HTML as custom HTML templates in Anvil, inserting slots for Anvil design layouts where needed.

Another option is to treat your existing front end as a prototype and reconstruct that design entirely with Anvil layout widgets.

Another option is to include an Anvil app in an iframe on your site, or to include your site in an iframe in an Anvil app.

We can’t begin to help you determine what may be best for your needs, without more explanation and examples that illustrate what currently exists and what you hope to achieve.

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Honestly I’m very new to programming and I wanted to build a website all I know is some html css and python I built the front end part of the website with html and css but I wanted to add more backend features to the website like login and make specified content for specific users…

For example,

If you have an entire marketing website built, and you just want to add an email list sign up, that may be a great use case for an Anvil API. You can add a little form to your web page, collecting user information, and send that data to an Anvil REST endpoint, to collect that information, perform logical evaluations, schedule emails to be sent, Etc. Or perhaps you’re using a front end component library on your website that includes a nice datagrid, you may use Anvil to store data, and respond to API requests with JSON that is displayed in the data grid.

You may also choose to simply include a small front end of an anvil app within an iframe of an otherwise complete large website.

If your intention is to build a larger Anvil app, and just include pieces of a design that you’ve already created, for example a video background on a nicely laid out page - that is a potential reason for using custom HTML forms in an anvil app. Or for example, I’ve used custom forms to make use of JavaScript video recording libraries, 3D game libraries, graphic libraries, Etc, which get incorporated into anvil front ends and back ends.


If you’re just starting out, exploring and trying to understand Anvil from the ground up, I wrote a tutorial at pythonanvil.com that will get you going. You may find that for your needs, especially if you haven’t yet built a large site, and you’re looking at alternatives/possibilities for building everything you need, Anvil provides a great solution for authorization and user management, database integration with tightly integrated UI layout (and a visual builder), IDE with autocomplete and project management (simplified Git management), email, PDF printing, Google services integration, etc, - all packaged into one tool that enables you to build every part of your project in a browser. If your project isn’t big yet, especially if it’s more of a web ‘app’ than a web ‘site’, it may be worthwhile to port what you’ve got (layout and all), entirely to Anvil.

If you’ve built a lot of nice design that you want to integrate into Anvil, and run in an Anvil app, with Anvil handling all the authorization, user management, database, etc., then consider using your HTML/CSS/JS as Anvil HTML templates.

If you’ve already built a big project purely in HTML/CSS/JS and some functionality in Python (perhaps which you’re not sure how to connect to the front end), and you just need the backend parts of Anvil, take a look at how to use Anvil REST APIs (you can connect to REST endpoints with just a bit of Javacript AJAX code on your site), or how to include a small front end in an iframe on your site.


@rafedriahi.rr Please know that the introductory tutorials and docs will teach you how to acheive login and also fill in many gaps in terms of what anvil can do for you. They are highly recommended as a starting point.