I could't drag and drop

What I’m trying to do:

I just started and wanted to walk through.

What I’ve tried and what’s not working:

I could’t drag and drop. I worked in Mac OS 10.11.6 , and Windows 7 64bit.

My mouse works fine LOL

Code Sample:

# this is a formatted code snippet.
# paste your code between ``` 

Clone link:
share a copy of your app

Hey popupwired, welcome!

Can you be a little more specific on what you’re trying to do?

LiceCap is a free program that lets you create GIFs, to share here on the forums little GIFs of what you’re attempting.

See this link on how to ask good questions:


Just wondering, have to tried click-and-drop? (click-then-drop)


If that does not work, then check your browser extensions if you have any?

Also, are you using the beta or original IDE ?

Let us know…