How to use teams (sharing with a subset of the team, concurrent editing of apps)

I’m on the business plan and I have some questions on teams :

  1. how do I let someone else in to help?
  2. can I isolate the work they do (ie one person on X modules, another on Y?
  3. er… actually it can be summed up with - I really haven’t a clue how do do it :slight_smile:

Can anyone enlighten me, please?

Hi David,

  1. If you click on ‘My Account’ in the landing page (the page that has your list of apps on it), you get a link you can share so that people can join your organization. They need to sign up for a free account, then when they follow that link they’ll be upgraded to a ‘Business plan managed by David Wylie’.

  2. Those people won’t see your apps unless you share them. You can do this by clicking the arrow next to the app name in the Your Apps list, then selecting ‘share with my team’.


An app is either shared with the entire team, or private to only you. You can’t currently share with only some people in your team. That’s something we’d like to implement in future - I’ll move this to Feature Requests.

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Thanks, Shaun.

I worded that part of the question badly (and wrongly). What I meant to ask was, is there a way to stop two people editing the same file/module/whatever at the same time?

If an app is being edited concurrently by multiple users (or one user with many browser tabs open!), only the first user to start editing can edit the app. Other users will get this modal:


Oh, so only 1 person can work on the whole app at a time?

Correct :slight_smile:

(Although each separate person can clone the app, modify the clones, then merge using Git and push back to the original app.)

(edited & removed my response as I may have misunderstood some things…)

That’s correct, but it is not s problem for us. We try to keep apps small and add them as dependencies of the main app. For example the user management is in a custom component, the validation is in another custom component, the logging in another app, etc. The user management itself is split in 2 apps, one containing a custom component with the register/log in links, intended to be used only as a dependency, and one with the admin interface.

This way the scope of each app is small and it’s unlikely that two persons will need to work on the same app at the time. I only hope it will still be manageable as the number of apps grows.

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