How to remove the anvil logo from Google login form

Hello, hope all are fine, i have question about how to remove or change the logo of Anvil from the form of login like in the screenshoot here:

Thank you!

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I’m doubtful there’s a way to do that currently, but this strikes me as an important feature request.

I am pretty sure that is a feature of granting permission from google to anvil servers. And it would be google that wants to let the user know whom they are sharing their information with.

Unless you registered as an app to accept google credentials yourself*, I can’t see of another way to have google display what app you are sharing your data with. Technically you are sharing your google data with Anvil, since that is who is running the credentials service for you in the cloud.

*and everything that entails, not just making a logo.

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Actually, it seems there may already be a workaround. It requires configuring the Google service under the “Access your users’ Google Drive files” (despite only wanting to use it for the Users login:

I’m trying it out on my own app to confirm whether it works. (It’s not working yet, but Google is telling me I need to wait for them to verify my application, which may take a few days. Maybe it will work then.)

It takes some work (and a link to your app’s privacy policy) to get Google’s permission, which lines up with @ianb’s point.

update: Pre-verification, the Google auth screen currently lists “” as the site but shows no logo and has replaced the privacy policy link near the bottom with the link I specified to Google.

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That’s good to know! Kind what I expected, yeah.
If you are legit google will (for the most part) approve you, but you still need to jump through some (very mild) hoops, and it will never be instant.

This seems like something you should apply for when you have completed a completely go-live app, and not one of your first steps if you are just testing out anvil. You may also need to exist as an organization somehow for google to take you seriously.

IMO, I consider this a good thing, I don’t want to just give random people access to my google creds at the click of a button.

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Hi @hugetim,

a few points:

  • You don’t need to wait for google to verify your app if your only using it for simple google login. It works right away.
  • In order for google login to show your apps domain instead of Anvils, you need to select “Redirect to app origin?” in Anvil google settings. This is very important.

Hope this helps


This must be the important bit we missed, thanks! :+1:

Hello, thanks for replay i solve the issue only with check the box of “Redirect to app origin”, but one thinks that is not work properly is the photo of logo of the app that is not show, is showing ony the write “Choose an account to continue to” you have the same issue ?

I have also got it working now.[1] I also don’t see the photo of the logo. My hunch is that getting the logo would require the application verification because at one point, Google showed me a message to the effect of “Because you added an App Logo, you need verification.”

I also think it may only work 100 times without verification–Google showed me a message to that effect also at one point.

[1] I got it working after a bunch of setup in various Google consoles, starting with the steps described here–the one thing that definitely seemed needed was adding “https://[YOUR_URL_HERE]/_/client_auth_callback” as an “Authorized redirect URI” in Google Cloud/APIs and Services/Credentials/OAuth 2.0 Client ID. I also did a few other things that I’m not sure were necessary in the end.

p.s. If you don’t want to mess with application verification (which seems to be an involved process), just don’t upload an App Logo to the Google Cloud console (and don’t request restrictive scopes). The thing is, if you do upload a logo, there’s no easy way to remove it.


A post was split to a new topic: How to remove the anvil logo from Microsoft login