How to pass parameters to a Form Object via routing.set_url_hash?

Hi there,
I am learning the HashRouting but I encournter the following problem:

I am trying to use routing.set_url_hash to point to my Form1, which as an argument ‘items’.

In the MainForm that calls the Form1, I have the following code:

In the Form1 that was being called by the MainForm, I have the following code:
Class Form1(Form1Template):
def init(self, items, **properties):

When the MainForm runs, I have the following error:
TypeError: init() missing 1 required argument: ‘items’

I have an ‘items’ object (from the MainForm) that I want to pass into the ‘Form1’, but I don’t know how to do it with routing.set_url_hash. Does anyone know?

routing.set_url_hash* cocumentation:

One way to do it is to initialize a property in form1 corresponding to the name of the object you’re passing to it like so:

class Form1(Form1Template):
  def __init__(self, data=None, **properties):
    if data:
      self.items = data

With the above setup, you can then navigate to Form1 and pass the items data to it like so:

routing.set_url_hash("form1", data=items) # note the use of data as extra arguement

According to the documentation, providing the data argument to routing.set_url_hash will pass data property to form1. But Form1 should have been prepared to receive this data property by initializing it accordingly as was done above.

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I don’t use extra arguments on forms loaded by the routing module. Using extra arguments kind of defeats the purpose of using the routing module.

I pass all the arguments on the URL, then I use self.url_dict['items'].

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