How to make @anvil.server.callable work with a second decorator?

I have the following callable server function:

def fetch_account():

I am trying to add a second decorator to it below the @anvil.server.callable decorator:

def fetch_account():

However, this makes my function unidentifiable on the client-side. I.e., when I try to call it from the client with'fetch_account'), I get the following error:

Here is the code for my exception_handler decorator:

def exception_handler(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kw):
            return func(*args, **kw)
        except Exception as e:
            exception_traceback = traceback.format_exc()
            log_uncaught_exception(e, environment='server', traceback=exception_traceback)
            raise Exception(traceback.format_exc()) 
    return wrapper

Is there any way to make the extra decorators not break @anvil.server.callable?

You probably need to use functools. There’s an example at anvil-extras/server_code/ at main · anvilistas/anvil-extras · GitHub

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Lovely! Thank you Owen