How to import python library requests

how can I use python traditional library requests?

Hi there,

You can add a server module and import requests as you would normally. For example,

Nice! I try it out already. Do you know how to upload my excel file or .cvs file?

Are you asking about uploading your CSV data into an Anvil app?

If so, there are many examples on the forum for uploading data into Anvil. For example,

That is not really what I want. I want to upload .csv file as database, then I can use the data when a form was show up.

by the way, how can I insert data pieces that I extract from web site into a table cell or data grid cell?

A couple of things.

I may be misunderstanding the question, but uploading a CSV into the Anvil DataTable service (which acts as database) will accomplish what you are describing. That is, it will allow you to pull values from the database into your forms.

Note that you may also consider using the Uplink service from Anvil which will allow you to send data from your local computer up to the Anvil DataTable (database). Described here:

It would be helpful if you could show us what you have tried, or even a similar example that might make it clearer what you are looking to accomplish. Have you tried looking at the DataTables service documentation?

Lastly, if possible please try to post new questions as a new topic. This makes topics easier to find on the forum. Please read some helpful suggestions below.

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I had try out the data tables services, very nice! Now I am trying to figure out the uplink service. I will post my new question in new thread, thank you! Nice job!

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