Horizontal scroll

I’ve got a question if it’s possible (pretty sure it is, question how) to have a horizontal repeating_panel and a table scrollable horizontally? I am looking to build a data wall which would look pretty much like the database, just a big table with some number of columns - too many to see them all on the screen. Would it be possible to scroll it to the right?

Hi Izabela,

You can do both of those things - make a RepeatingPanel repeat horizontally, and allow things to scroll to the right. Here is an example:


To make the RepeatingPanel repeat horizontally, I have added the following custom HTML to the form that it’s on:

  .horizontal-repeater .repeating-panel {
    display: flex;
  .horizontal-repeater .repeating-panel>div {
    min-width: 200px;
<div class="horizontal-repeater" anvil-slot="default"></div>

And to make the whole card horizontally-scrollable, I have added an Anvil ‘role’ class to the theme CSS:

/* This is the new 'role' class'. Any component 
with the role "horizontal-scroll" will get this class */
.anvil-role-horizontal-scroll {

And then given that role to the ColumnPanel containing my data:

self.column_panel_1.role = "horizontal-scroll"

I hope that makes sense. Do explore the code in that example, and let me know if anything is unclear!


So - this means we can add our own classes to components. Nice.

I was going to get around to asking about the “role” but never quite did :slight_smile:

This will be documented properly very soon. At the moment you still need to add the role through code, but we’ll shortly have a mechanism to create them in the theme and assign them in the property editor. Watch this space!


This is a great example - thanks! How would be go about freezing the header and also first two columns on the left? I tried doing that with a separate repeating_panel on the left hand side and assigning role to the repeating_panel on the right hand side only, but the scroll is still across full content.

Hi daviesian, I’m trying to replicate your example. When I run the app, this is what it looks like:

Am I doing something wrong or is this what it’s supposed to look like?

Hi Stephen,

The structure of the RepeatingPanels has changed a little since this example. Try using this stylesheet in the CustomHTML Form:

  .horizontal-repeater .repeating-panel {
    display: flex;
  .horizontal-repeater .repeating-panel>div {
    min-width: 200px;
    display: flex;
    overflow-x: auto;
    overflow-y: hidden;
  .horizontal-repeater .anvil-panel-col {
    min-width: 200px;

(You don’t need to use a Role in this case either.)

Here’s an example app where I’ve made a Horizontal Repeating Panel as a custom component, so you can just drag-and-drop one from the Toolbox:


Here’s what it looks like with the items set to range(1,100):


Thanks for the tip! I’ll let you know if I encounter any problems with your solution.