I’ve got a question if it’s possible (pretty sure it is, question how) to have a horizontal repeating_panel and a table scrollable horizontally? I am looking to build a data wall which would look pretty much like the database, just a big table with some number of columns - too many to see them all on the screen. Would it be possible to scroll it to the right?
Hi Izabela,
You can do both of those things - make a RepeatingPanel
repeat horizontally, and allow things to scroll to the right. Here is an example:
To make the RepeatingPanel
repeat horizontally, I have added the following custom HTML to the form that it’s on:
.horizontal-repeater .repeating-panel {
display: flex;
.horizontal-repeater .repeating-panel>div {
min-width: 200px;
<div class="horizontal-repeater" anvil-slot="default"></div>
And to make the whole card horizontally-scrollable, I have added an Anvil ‘role’ class to the theme CSS:
/* This is the new 'role' class'. Any component
with the role "horizontal-scroll" will get this class */
.anvil-role-horizontal-scroll {
And then given that role to the ColumnPanel containing my data:
self.column_panel_1.role = "horizontal-scroll"
I hope that makes sense. Do explore the code in that example, and let me know if anything is unclear!
So - this means we can add our own classes to components. Nice.
I was going to get around to asking about the “role” but never quite did
This will be documented properly very soon. At the moment you still need to add the role through code, but we’ll shortly have a mechanism to create them in the theme and assign them in the property editor. Watch this space!
This is a great example - thanks! How would be go about freezing the header and also first two columns on the left? I tried doing that with a separate repeating_panel on the left hand side and assigning role to the repeating_panel on the right hand side only, but the scroll is still across full content.
Hi daviesian, I’m trying to replicate your example. When I run the app, this is what it looks like:
Am I doing something wrong or is this what it’s supposed to look like?
Hi Stephen,
The structure of the RepeatingPanels has changed a little since this example. Try using this stylesheet in the CustomHTML Form:
.horizontal-repeater .repeating-panel {
display: flex;
.horizontal-repeater .repeating-panel>div {
min-width: 200px;
display: flex;
overflow-x: auto;
overflow-y: hidden;
.horizontal-repeater .anvil-panel-col {
min-width: 200px;
(You don’t need to use a Role in this case either.)
Here’s an example app where I’ve made a Horizontal Repeating Panel as a custom component, so you can just drag-and-drop one from the Toolbox:
Here’s what it looks like with the items set to range(1,100)
Thanks for the tip! I’ll let you know if I encounter any problems with your solution.