Highlight datagrid rows on hover

I saw this post (New Events For Forms) asking for this as a new feature request and seeing that it was accepted back in 2018 but (unless I’m missing it) I don’t see that it’s been added yet. Does anyone know of a way to accomplish having data grid rows highlight when you mouse over them? I know I can use the link trick in the link above to make them clickable, but without highlighting there isn’t any user feedback to indicate that a row can be clicked on. I know I could add buttons to the end but it’s not as clean as what I’d like to do.

Example of what I’d like to do: table-hover - Bootstrap CSS class

I’m not sure how to accomplish this in Anvil.

I have the same question…is there anyone able to answer?

Maybe this thread?

Also, welcome to anvil! :wave:

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