Help - Not enough resources to run python

Error saying not enough resources to run python3 full

After following one of the tutorials offered here on anvil I am faced with an error that’s solution offered is to contact support.

How do I get the available resources?


Hello and welcome,

I searched the forum and a few posts came up with the same error.

Please see if they help.

For example:

Thank you for your reply unfortunatly the python3 basic does not include my required essentials ( example twilio)

No worries. At least we now know what the error is referring to.

Take care and good luck with developing!

yeah this is the response i get when switching python

sorry and on basic it responds
“Exception: hashlib is not yet supported in the PyPy sandbox at /sbxshims/, line 2 called from /lib/lib-python/3/, line 56 called from /lib/lib-python/3/, line 144 called from /site-packages/jwt/, line 224 called from /site-packages/jwt/, line 111 called from /site-packages/jwt/, line 63 called from /site-packages/twilio/jwt/, line 128 called from [ServerModule1, line 32](javascript:void(0)) called from [Form1, line 14](javascript:void(0)”

Are you in paid plan or free plan?

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Apologies if this is the wrong thread to post. I was wondering how much Anvil allowed for RAM usage? I have an app that runs complex engineering simulations that can take a few days to run and up to 2GB RAM. Is this possible on Anvil?
If not, are there any other websites that I can try? I was also looking into a similar website called Has anyone used that before?