I would like to be able to player several sounds from script and have sliders animate for a breath timing app.
It appears that the browser only allows 1 sound to be played on one user interaction --clicking a button.
I tried using javascript in the standard page html to play sounds and while it works on a windows laptop, only the first sound works on an iphone.
<audio id="audio1" src="_/theme/beep1.mp3" autostart="false" ></audio>
<audio id="audio2" src="_/theme/beep2.mp3" autostart="false" ></audio>
function PlaySound1() {
var sound1 = document.getElementById("audio1");
function PlaySound2() {
var sound2 = document.getElementById("audio2");
function PlayAudio1() {
var audio1 = new Audio('_/theme/beep1.mp3');
function PlayAudio2() {
var audio1 = new Audio('_/theme/beep2.mp3');
I tried using speech synthesize but it is too slow on the windows laptop, but fast enough on the iphone to synthesize speech for counting down numbers along with animating a slider.
from anvil.js.window import speechSynthesis as synth
def breathe_in(self):
I’d prefer to have custom sounds that can be used to make each sound required after one button click, such that it guides a person with their breathing over multiple breathing cycles.
e.g. “in”, “3”, “2”, “1”, “hold”, “out” etc.
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