Hannah is moving away

Hallo fellow Anvil people (Anvillings? Anvilistas?). Just to let you know, due to some (happy!) events in my personal life I’m going to be stepping down from my role at Anvil. I’m moving up to York with my husband and plan to enjoy a period as a full-time parent to my little one.

I still hope to share some hobby projects with Raspberry Pi and Anvil on here from time to time :slight_smile: and look forward to watching Anvil go from strength to strength!


All the best @hannah. Enjoy your time with the little one.

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We miss you already Hannah!

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Wishing you all the best.

My twins have just left home for Uni, so things will get better :slight_smile:


I couldn’t think of a better reason to make a move like that - nothing beats family time. Thanks for all the help @hannah and all the best!

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Best wishes, Hannah, we will miss you!