Hi There,
I am connecting with my Google Maps API key to serve maps in Anvil.
However I have created a custom map style in my Google developers console and connected a map id
to that style.
Is there a way for me to point to a custom map id I have created on Google to my Anvil map ?
Johan Ferguson
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Reviving this question, looking todo the same myself.
For anyone curious on how to get this working:
self.gmap = google.maps.Map(anvil.js.get_dom_node(self.gmap_container),
{'zoom': 7,
'center': { 'lat': 51, 'lng': 0.12 },
'minZoom': 2,
'disableDefaultUI': True,
'draggable': True,
'clickableIcons': False,
'gestureHandling': 'greedy',
'styles': None})
self.gmap_container is just a spacer, if you want the map to cover the entire page set the height parameter to 100vh and the spacing_above and spacing_below parameters to none. (You need to set the same spacing parameter to none on the parent form, otherwise you will notice a thin line at the top and bottom of the page)
You can pass a mapID (using the google cloud map styling) instead of styles.
But pasting in JSON styles is much quicker for testing various looks for your map. There are a bunch of styles here: https://snazzymaps.com/ just copy paste the JSON code into the styles value.
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