Google maps and places API

To use Google maps and places api, do I use import googlemaps, or import
And is there a tutorial somewhere?

Check out Docs above. (It’s right before Start Building.) At the top of the Docs page is a wonderful Search feature, that searches documentation and this Forum. For tutorials, check out Learn above.

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I’ve never used any of the google integration, so I tried looking for how I might do it:

what exactly are you trying to do that’s not covered by the two docs pages that I found?

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I’m referring to this package. Googlemaps Python package
So that I can use this api google-maps-services-python/ at master · googlemaps/google-maps-services-python · GitHub

In the Github docs they say import googlemaps.
If I activate the Google service in the app it says this for the other Google products.

Right. Got it.

If you want to use that package, you follow its instructions and import googlemaps. That will only work for server side code as that’s where the package is installed.

Anvil’s Google Service is something different and makes various parts of the Google universe available to both client and server side code.

Thanks @owen.campbell that’s what I wanted to know.
Appreciate it

FWIW, that package just looks like a wrapper around Google’s REST APIs, which you can use directly from Anvil’s Google Service.

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