Google authentication customization

What I’m trying to do:
I’m trying to get Google login prompt to show a different app name and logo (not Anvil).

What I’ve tried and what’s not working:
I’ve tried adding Google client ID and secret in Anvils Google Drive configuration. This does not seem to change Google login prompt.

The documentation provides information on how to access the user’s Google drive. However, there is no information on how to customize your Google login.

Any ideas on how to customize Google login?

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Hi @augustas.volbekas,

You should be able to edit app name and logo, this looks like a bug. I’ve added it to our list.

Thanks for raising the issue.


Hi @augustas.volbekas,

If you’re happy with us seeing your source code, could you shoot an email with the app’s ID over to

As @ryan says, if you’ve entered your own client ID and secret into the Google service, you should be authenticating against your own Google API project, not Anvil’s - which means you should be seeing your logo and app description. We’d like to take a look at the problematic app, so if you can send over the app ID and a description of how to get to the Google login prompt (we don’t need to get any further), that would be ideal.

Hi @meredydd @ryan,

thank you for the reply.

It seems that I’ve figured out where the problem was.

If, in Anvil, I add my credentials and do not set the “Redirect to app origin?” to true.
Screenshot 2022-04-19 at 11.25.10

I get this - google authentication shows “” as an apps domain.

However, if I do set the “Redirect to app origin?” to true, I get the domain I wanted (assuming I’ve configured the domains in the google developer console correctly).

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