Forum solution for Anvil app?

I’m investigating using Anvil for an app I’ll be building. One requirement for the app is that it will have a discussion/forum component. While my app isn’t a blog, a good model for what I’m looking for is blog posts with a discussion attached to each one. If I use Anvil, will I be able to integrate discussion services like Discus forums? Or is there an Anvil-based solution?

[Update: since posting the above question, I found two Anvil-native solutions mentioned at Facebook like chat - #4. But they were mentioned a couple years ago, and I’m still wondering if anyone has any other solutions which may have been created since then?]

Hi @garyrob,

You can definetly use anvil to build that.
With anvil you can access every javascript library that you could with any other framework.
So this will not be a problem, you will be able to integrate any forum services.

See: Anvil Docs | Using JavaScript

Good luck with your project! :ok_hand:

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One problem with Anvil apps is that they are single page apps. You can use the hashrouting module to use the url to go to a specific post, I do it in all my apps, but Google will not see and index the pages. Google will only see the app home page (and even that one, non completely).

We use Anvil for things that require our own business logic, each app has its own subdomain. For example or Then we use an old fashion managed server for the company landing page and we install wiki, ecommerce, etc. Open source apps in that server. No need to reinvent the wheel.

In some cases we made little changes to the open source apps and embedded Anvil apps in them. For example OpenCart calls Anvil http endpoints to check for inventory availability and to calculate the shipping cost.

Thanks Mark, that’s a perfect answer.

Thanks Stefano, the perspective you shared on SEO is very useful to keep in mind while evaluating whether to use Anvil for a specific project.