Forum Clone App Discovery

I would add to this FR -

a tag on all apps who’s clone link has been posted on the forum.

I have got to cull my old apps, and I fear some of my earlier apps that are missing the word “FORUM_” in their name will break things when removed.

One could argue that if they are really old they may not be much use anymore, but sometimes they are quite simple examples for newbies.

Or … or … a way to scrape the forum and find all my clone links what I have posted (and an easy way to correlate the app).

Something like that.


That’s a good idea, or maybe a final “Are you sure???” delete confirmation box that tells you it noticed you pasted the link on the forum.
It could also have a link to the post(s).

But I like the idea of a small flag icon on the apps screen that indicates it was posted to the forum the most.


As a partial workaround, your most popular links are listed here: Anvil Community Forum But I can’t find a way to get a list of all links a user has posted.

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