Filtered data grid binding error

Hi! I have an error I can’t figure out. I made a message box for users to leave me feedback. I am attempting to make an interface for me to see the messages filtered by read, unread, or all. I apologize if I missed something in the documentation, but I can’t seem to crack this.

Form code:

  def read_filter_go_click(self, **event_args):
    """This method is called when the link is clicked"""
    if self.all_radio_button.selected == True:
      read_option = self.all_radio_button.value
    elif self.read_radio_button.selected == True:
      read_option = self.read_radio_button.value
    elif self.unread_radio_button.selected == True:
      read_option = self.unread_radio_button.value        
    message_list ='get_messages', read_option)
    self.messages_repeat.items =

Server code here:

def get_messages(read_option):
  if read_option == 'unread':
    return app_tables.messages.client_writable(read=False)
  elif read_option == 'read':
    return app_tables.messages.client_writable(read=True)
    return app_tables.messages.client_writable()


anvil.tables.TableError: No such column 'read' in this view
 while setting self.message_read_checkbox.checked = self.item['read']
 in a data binding for self.message_read_checkbox
running on the server; called from, line 2 column 2

I added a checkbox to the read column (True/False column in the table) and it has a binding self.item[‘read’].

The error message only occurs when using the filtered options (read = True or read=False). The unfiltered option works perfectly. When filtered, it provides results filtered as expected, but the read column checkbox isn’t checked or representing the actual status.

I hope I provided enough info. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

@chris_idc Hi there,

Is it possible for you to share a clone link for the app? I could then debug a bit easier and perhaps help out.

Just click the :gear: icon in the IDE, “share app”, and copy the link under “share source code with others”

I can. It is definitely still a work in progress and I am a bit of a novice, so please keep that in mind :slight_smile:

Edit: removing the source code link. It needs more work before I am ready to have it out there more than necessary.


Oh - the form it is on is the dashboard one

@chris_idc Okay I looked into this as it wasn’t immediately obvious to me.

It looks like .client_writable() returns a “restricted” view. The hitch is that the view does not contain data from the column that was used as a filter.

So for example:


will pull back all rows where read=True, but not data in the read column itself, hence your error:

"No such column 'read' in this view"

Check out the documentation here and this illustrative chart. Note that the owner column is not present in the view.

I’ll be honest, I haven’t used restricted views in my apps up till now and so I could be missing something; however, would modifying your filtered search like this suit your needs?

def get_messages(read_option):

  if read_option == 'unread':

  elif read_option == 'read':


  return rows

Then, just set the items in your repeating panel to rows

By the way, you can see an example of all of this in a stripped down app here. Fool around with the filters in the server module to see what gets returned.

I hope this helps and I’m sure others will correct me if I have led you astray.

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Your solution works great. Thank you.

I’m trying to wrap my head around exactly what is happening here, but it makes a lot more sense than it did earlier. I’ll poke around in it a bit more tomorrow and hopefully understand it better.


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