External databases: uplink vs psycopg2 (or other standard libraries)

I just read this brand new post that talks about the same problem: Static / Dynamic IP?

I have a dedicated account. In my case both the web and database server are running on the same AWS instance. And I have access to SQL, very useful for joint queries, but still limited in many aspects.

I imagine the shared accounts utilize separate machines for the web and database servers. This approach is likely preferred due to factors such as load balancing, data redundancy, and other requirements that make it a more optimal choice.

I value my productivity more than a shiny UI. For simple cases I use the DataGridJson (which is not a tree), but I also have tons of nested repeating panels (which are a tree), some loaded lazily, some with canvas that show graphic representations of the data, etc.

I’m sure there are good tree managers out there and it wouldn’t take much integrating them with Anvil. It would require delving into JS, but only once, while creating the custom component. I had a look at the Tabulator (again, not really a tree), it looks great, but I have never used because data grids and repeating panels are good enough for my apps and I don’t have the time to explore too much.